Monday, September 1, 2014

Little Thumbs Up : Apple

 Apples from our 70 years old tree 

I'm truly honered to be hosting this month's Little Thumbs Up event  . Thanks to the organizers of this event , Zoe of  Bake For Happy Kids & Doreen from My Little Favourite DIY for giving me this opportunity .  I guess that it’s not a surprise for most of you who are familiar with my blog  that I’ve chosen APPLE as my  theme . Well , I happened to be living in a mini apple orchard & I"m always looking for new apple recipes to use up all my apples especially during autumn/winter .  Here are some of the recipes that I've tried . I'm really looking forward to all your apple entries & sharing your recipes  .  There are more than 7000 varieties of apple worldwide  .  They come in many colors & most commonly seen in red, green & yellow  .  Apples are tasty either in baking or cooking .  They are  packed  with vitamin C , B-complex  , good source of  minerals such as potassium, iron & calcium . An apple has only 50 to 80 calories .  Lots of good reason to eat apple everyday . As the old saying goes 'An apple a day keeps the doctor away' . 

Elstar apple from our ochard

***Come join  this fun linky party by simply bake or cook  recipes using apple ,  applesauce , apple compote , apple juice , apple butter or apple cider will be accepted .  Recipes can be your own   ,  from cook books or blogs ( do give credit )  .  You can submit as many APPLE recipes  as you like .

1)      All submission must be current post of this month .

2)     Do display 'Little Thumbs Up' badge in your post .

3)      Please mention this in your post :'This post is linked to Little Thumbs Up event   organized by Bake For Happy Kids with My Little Favourite DIY & hosted this month by  I-Lost in Austen .'

4)      You can link with us at this post from 2nd September untill 30th September 2014 .

Happy baking & cooking everyone 

Apple Rose Tarts
** Do you know that apple tree is a member of the rose family too

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  1. Your photos never fail to captivate me. Can't wait to see what recipes you gals plan to cook up in yr kitchens!

  2. Hi Kit!
    Yippeeeee...... I want your apple trees!!!!
    Can you see how green I've become, like granny smith.... green with envy!!! LOL! Seriously, I'm jealous!, drooling at your apple trees! :)
    Looking forward to your apple theme!

  3. I would be so happy to get any fruit plant to grow, period! I too am green with envy!

  4. hi apple lady! 7000 varieties?? wow, nvr knew about that! okie...will see what to do with apples..:) all the best in your apple theme!

  5. Hi Kit! My goodness, lucky you to be living amongst apples! OK, I will buy some apples this weekend :D

  6. Wow! Very beautiful rose tarts!
    Kit, actually i like to eat apple but i seldom use them as my baking or cooking ingredient. Anyway, i will try my best to bake something with apple in order to support you ya! Let's jia you :)

  7. Kit , apples from your own backyard or maybe at the front yard as well ?! As with everybody else's here , I'm drooling and envious at the thought of all those fresh and juicy apples you have *sigh* lol Apple is related to Rose , cool !

  8. Replies
    1. Waaaa..... you're fast ! I thought I can be the 1st ! LOL Thanks for the support Joyce ! Truly aprreciate it .

  9. Hi Kit, I've just link up my baked apples dessert. A simple dessert. Thanks for hosting this month's LTU theme Apple ^-^

  10. Hi Kit,
    Sorry for my super late visit.
    I am so busy recently cause I took up a new job..:p
    We are so thankful to have you hosting for LTU this month and I am excited with the theme. I love apple.
    My post is coming up soon :D

  11. Hi Kit, my first hello to you! :)
    I've just linked up an apple pie recipe that has been shared with me. Thanks for hosting this wonderful event!

  12. Hi Kit, Thank you for hosting LTU. I've just linked up my apple cheesecake bars.

  13. Hi Kit, this is my first time visiting your blog and a big Hello from me and nice knowing you! How bless to live in a apple orchard and enjoy fresh apples, envy, envy!!! I have just linked up my fruity chocolate cake here and thanks for hosting this applelicious event! :)

  14. These all apple recipes look amazing! I would love to try them all :)

  15. I love your blog! I found it looking for Nigella's Girdlebuster PIe! LOL! You have the best apple recipes!
    Thanks for hosting!

  16. First time here and I love your blog already! I've never seen a more beautiful rose tart. First time joining the LTU too - hope I did it right!

  17. Hi Kit,
    Thanks for selecting Apple for this month. Gave me the chance to bake an old favourite recipe that I have almost forgotten about!
    Have a great weekend!

  18. I added my little apples tarts! I love apples so Im really happy Zoe invited me!

  19. Hi Kit,
    One last post from me.
    Thank you for hosting LTU!

  20. Thank you everyone for your support & sharing all your apple recipes with me . I truly appreciate your effort & making this month's LTU a success . Thumbs Up to all of you


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